On Board the Quaker City

picture courtesy of Mark Twain

"We have got a crowd of tiptop people, & shall have a jolly, sociable, homelike trip of it for the next five or
six months...I am going on this trip for fun only." letter to William Bowen, 6.7.1967, New York, NY, as
quoted in
Mark Twain's Letters, Vol. 2

"I am resigned to Rev. Mr. Hutchinson's or anybody else's supervision. I don't mind it. I am fixed. I have got a
splendid, immoral, tobacco-smoking, wine-drinking, godless room-mate who is as good & true & right-minded
a man as ever lived--a man whose blameless conduct & example will always be an eloquent sermon to all who
should come within their influence." letter to Jane Lampton Clemens and Family, 6.1.1867, New York, NY, as
quoted in Mark Twain's Letters, Vol. 2

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