Fetching 'Em in Louisville

[MT and Cable did two shows in Louisville, Kentucky -- on 5 and 6 January. The local Courier-Journal began printing plugs for the lectures in its AMUSEMENTS columns on 2 January. These include a few local references, but are clearly based on publicity material that Pond or his advance agent sent in to the paper.]
Louisville Courier-Journal, 2 January 1885:

JUDGING from the first day's sale of seats, it is evident that Mark Twain and Geo. W. Cable will have as large audiences here as the two gentlemen have met with wherever they have been. The box-office is at Tripp's music store.

Louisville Courier-Journal, 3 January 1885:

THE prices of admission for the Twain and Cable readings at Leiderkranz Hall, on Monday and Tuesday next, will be 50 and 75 cents; reserved seats, $1. Seats are now on sale at Mrs. Tripp's music store, Fourth avenue, near Green street.

Louisville Courier-Journal, 4 January 1885:
Twain and Cable.

The most popular humorous writer in the English language, Mark Twain, and the distinguished Southern novelist, Mr. George W. Cable, will appear to-morrow and Tuesday evenings at Liederkranz Hall, both giving readings from their own works. Such a treat as this will certainly test the capacity of the hall, and this being Mark Twain's first appearance here, a hearty welcome is assured him. The programme will be published in full in to-morrow's issue of the COURIER-JOURNAL The prices of admission will remain fifty and seventy-five cents, reserved seats $1. They can be secured at Mrs. Tripp's music store, Fourth avenue. The following, regarding their entertainment, is from the Boston Daily Evening Traveller: "There could have been no further additions to the audience at Music Hall last evening without positive discomfort to those already within the doors. The names of Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens) and George W. Cable were of sufficient drawing power to bring together the largest kind of a company. The occasion was the simple announcement that Messrs. Clemens and Cable would give readings of their own works. And they did; and it was the funniest night that had been passed by the majority of the audience for a long time. The two entertaining gentlemen kept their auditors in an uproar pretty much all the while. It was either laughter or applause well-nigh continuously, sufficient silence being given only for the passage of the words." Of Mark Twain, this paper says: "Mark Twain is his companion's opposite in every particular. The latter is small and graceful; Twain tall and awkward. His gestures are few and meaningless, and he does not smile when uttering jokes that almost put his audience in convulsions. His great head of hair, once glossy black, is now an iron gray; and his bushy moustache jutting out over his queer mouth is also streaked with white. While he audience was roaring with laughter, he simply pulled his moustache and scowled. Sentences and phrases that, emanating from other lips, would seem dull and commonplace, prove paroxysms of mirth when uttered by him. As a reader he is far outside of any conventional rule, but coming from his own lips his lines gather and convey many new and charming meanings. The laughter that greeted his first appearance attended him to the last." Mr. Cable's delightful readings when here last season have not been forgotten. He is as gifted a reader as he is a writer, and has made a host of friends in this city.

Louisville Courier Journal, 5 January 1885:
The Cable and Twain Readings.

Mark Twain and George W. Cable read this and to-morrow evening at Liederkranz Hall. They have been taking the country by storm, and there is no doubt that they will be warmly received in Louisville. It would be difficult to find two men who could cover a larger field in an entertainment composed of selections from their own writings than do Mark Twain and Cable. Mr. Cable's delightful readings here last spring are remembered with much pleasure, and those who heard him then will certainly do so again. Mark Twain has never been in Louisville in the flesh, but he is in every house in the land in spirit, and he needs no introduction to any public in America. He is as much Mark Twain on the rostrum as he is in his books.

The following is the programme for this evening:

1. From Dr. Sevier--Narcisse and John and Mary
     Richling.  "Mistoo 'Ichlin,' in fact, I can baw that
     fifty dolla' from you myself."...........Geo. W. Cable
2. Advance sheets from "The Adventures of Huckleberry
     Finn,"--"King Sollermun.".................Mark Twain
3. From Dr. Sevier--Kate Riley, Richling
     and Ristofalo...............................Geo. W. Cable
4. Tragic Tale of the Fishwife...........Mark Twain
5. From Dr. Sevier--Narcisse puts on mourning
     for "Lady Byron."........................Geo. W. Cable
6. A Trying Situation....................Mark Twain
7. From Dr. Sevier--Mary's Night Ride...Geo. W. Cable
8. Selection..................................Mark Twain

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