"Interior Items"

That was the heading under which the San Francisco Daily Morning Call published reports of MT's performance and reception at two of the California localities where he delivered "Our Fellow Savages." The first note appeared 14 October 1866:

MARK TWAIN AT SACRAMENTO. -- The Sandwich Islands Missionary, Mark Twain, had "trouble" in Sacramento on Thursday evening last. The "beauty, intelligence, and fine clothes" of the city assembled, and the inveterate "jokist" actually appeared before them in plain store clothes and talked to them as he did to San Franciscans whom he knew so well. The Union says: "The lecture, like one of the articles of an English review, condenses the information that might be hammered out through a good sized volume, and is sufficiently racy and bristling with points to enliven the gravest audience." It seemed to be duly relished by those present, and the mirth was frequent and hearty. Mark goes hence to cultivate an acquaintance with the people of the up-country towns."

The second item appeared a week later, 21 October:

Mark Twain "troubled" the Marysvillians on Tuesday night. They turned out en masse to hear him, and fairly screamed with delight at his words.
