From the Philadelphia Press,
December 8, 1869
Last evening the Academy was filled to overflowing, to partake of the literary Sandwich
prepared and offered by that mirth-provoking humorist, Mark Twain. His lecture was appositely
introduced by a series of witty generalities closely connected with cannibalism and craters. . . .
The Sandwich Islands have a very limited area--scarcely enough, indeed, to contain a voluminous
thought. . . . Mr. Twain, Esq., lecturer, etc., was a success. . . . Twain is not riotous with his
fancy; he is tenderly poetical and discreet. His descriptions of the volcanoes of the islands were
very fine. They were exquisite set-offs to the humorous or rather buttery parts of his ragout. We
are at a loss to know whether he is a wit or a humorist. At one time we had some distinct idea of
the difference between these two qualities, but Twain has literally jumbled us all up. If it were not
for Twain we should set him down as a wit, but the inevitable presence causes us to classify him
with the humorists. . . . He is a rare combination of wit and humor. He abounds in seasonable
hits. He has no elocution, but simply a style that knows no restraints but simply those necessary
to provoke mirth. His "Sandwich" is admirable for dyspepsia; even a roast dog and fricasseed cat
become agreeable after a little familiarity. . . . The man who can administer to the mind healthful
relaxatives, and thereby restore the stomach, is certainly entitled to rank with those who do the
same with the stomach and thereby restore the mind.
[Source: Frear, Mark Twain and Hawaii, Appendix D.]
Philadelphia Daily Evening Bulletin
December 8, 1869
Mark Twain.
Mark Twain, the celebrated humorist, was honored last night with one of the largest audiences
ever assembled in the Academy of Music. He lectured upon "The Sandwich Islands," and mingled
with much very interesting information a vast amount of humorous anecdote, witty allusion, and
of that odd, incongruous, surprising divergence from his theme, which is his charming
characteristic. Mr. Clemens deserved the compliment bestowed upon him. We regard him as the
very best of the humorists of his class. He is more extravagant and preposterous than John
Phoenix; he is superior to Artemus Ward, not only in the delicate quality of his humor, but
because he has a decent regard for the English language, and does not depend for his effects upon
barbarous orthography. John Billings is not to be compared with him. Billings is merely a
proverbial philosopher who has some wit, plenty of hard common sense, a shrewd knowledge of
human nature, but not one particle of genuine, irrepressible fun. He has said some good things,
but they are all marred by the wretched spelling which the author considers necessary to his
success. Mark Twain indulges in humor because it is his nature to do so. It is impossible to read
his productions or to hear him speak without being impressed with the conviction that his
cleverest utterances are spontaneous, natural, unpremeditated. Like all men of his temperament he
has a hearty hatred of sham, hypocrisy and cant, whether in religion, social life or politics. Some
of his sturdiest blows have been aimed at the follies of the times; and we believe that he may, if he
chooses, exercise a very considerable influence as a reformer. Ridicule, cleverly used, is one of the
most powerful weapons against pretension and humbug; for it not only robs them of their false
dignity, but it appeals strongly to the popular reader, and finds ready acceptance where serious
discussion would not be permitted. We do not suppose that Mr. Clemens has any notion of
starting out upon a mission of reformation; but unconsciously he may do a good work in this
direction, while at the same time he furnishes the nation with the purest and best entertainment in
his lectures and his screeds. There may be some who will regard his calling as of smaller dignity
than that of other men. Perhaps this is the class with which he is at war. The mass of intelligent
people will agree with us that genuine humor is as rare and excellent a quality as any other, and
that it is as respectable to amuse mankind as to stupefy them. The number of persons engaged in
the former work is small; those who attempt the latter abound in quantities.