Crookston (Minnesota) Daily Times 18 July 1895 The Mark Twain Lecture.The fact that Mark Twain is one of the most talked and written about American men of letters would seem to preclude the necessity of any announcement, save the mere mention that he is to appear here. His name has long been familiar in many countries, and on his present globe-trotting expedition he is quite as certain of a hearty reception in Crookston as he will be in San Francisco, Honolulu, or his stopping places in New Zealand, South Africa, and the other countries on hs circuit round the earth. Mark Twain's lecture this year is a particularly interesting one, in that it consists in reality of a series of monologues in which he shows most of the famous characters he has given to the literary world. From the "Jumping Frog" to "Tom Sawyer Abroad," he brings to life with [in]imitable skill all of the characters the world has learned to love and laugh at. America, during the past decade, has been the garden spot of a mushroom growth of humorous writers, and, while many of these attracted widespread but momentary attention, Mark Twain's career has been one of more than 30 years' standing; his humor, always wholesome and communicative, has never dropped. Crookston (Minnesota) Daily Times 22 July 1895 MARK TWAIN.Do Not Fail to Hear Him at the Grand on Monday Next.Samuel L. Clemens, better known by the nom-de-plume of Mark Twain, a name that is a household word wherever the English language is spoken, will appear at the Grand on Monday evening, July 29. That he will receive a royal welcome from those who have found his quaint humor a relief from the worry and care incident to the workaday life can scarcely be doubted. They are not many who have not some time read one or more of his printed works, and to all such the opportunity of meeting him personally will be eagerly seized upon, especially in view of the fact that it will, in all probability, be the only chance they will ever have to hear him. Mark Twain ranks easily as the foremost humorist of the age. His style is graceful and easy; his language, simple and eloquent, and under his sayings that apparently have no other mission than to move the reader to smiles, there is an undercurrent of subtle wisdom that is strongly marked by sound common sense, and is worthy of more than a passing notice. As a lecturer Mr. Clemens is beyond any conventional rules. He does not seek for elocutionary efforts, but his attitude is that of a man with a good story to tell and who is fairly confident of his ability to tell it well. A more delightful manner in which to spend an hour than in hearing the readings Mr. Clemens will give can scarcely be imagined. Laughter invariably greets the first sentence and attends him to the end, and ceases with a sense of his hearers having been captivated by a genius mirth as good to remember as it was to hear. Crookston (Minnesota) Daily Times 25 July 1895 SPECIAL TRAIN.One Secured on the St. Vincent Line for Mark Twain's LectureThose having the management of the Mark Twain lecture have secured a special train for the purpose of enabling those who come down from the St. Vincent line to hear the noted humorist and return the same night, thus saving the added expense of the night's hotel bill. The people will undoubtedly appreciate this, and large delegations from each town will avail themselves of this, the only opportunity they will ever have to hear America's most noted platform character. Warren telegraphed for eighty seats today, and other towns are coming in force. The round trip fare will be one and one-third regular rates. Crookston (Minnesota) Daily Times 26 July 1895 AN OVATION.Mark Twain to Be Given a Flattering Reception on Monday Evening.The interest in the Mark Twain entertainment has increased to such a pitch that it is now becoming exciting. The people along the Fosston line have caught the contagion, and not to be outdone by the towns on the St. Vincent line who secured a special train to take their people home after the performance. The Fosston people have also arranged for an excursion rate and for transportation home after the performance. Through the courtesy of Supt. Jenks, the Fosston Flyer, which leaves here at 6 o'clock, will be held here until 11 o'clock on Monday evening. This insures a large attendance from Fosston way, and already telegrams are pouring in for seats. There is now no question that the opera house will be packed with the largest and best audience ever assembled in Crookston. Mark Twain has received an ovation in every town in which he has stopped in his tour around the world, but in none of them will this celebrated writer and story teller receive a more flattering reception than here in Crookston. This is the first and will probably be the last opportunity the people of the Northwest will have of seeing the man who stands today as perhaps the most popular author in the world -- certainly the most popular in America. His books have charmed, amused and instructed in every land where the English language is known, and his famous readings only add to the popularity of his works. With the opportunity thus presented no one who can possibly afford it should allow it to be said that they neglected to see this celebrated man. Crookston (Minnesota) Daily Times 29 July 1895 HE'S HERE.S.L. Clemens, Better Known as Mark Twain, Arrived Last NightA short rather stout man with gray hair and heavy mustach clad in a blue coat and cap alighted from the Grand Northern train last night closely followed by two ladies and a young girl and lastly by the imposing form of Major J.B. Pond, the celebrated impresario. "That's him," said a dozen people with as little regard for the proprieties as for their syntax. It was the noted writer and lecturer Mark Twain by which name he is known to many more Americans than by his true name of Samuel L. Clemens. He and Major Pond walked to the New Hotel, while the ladies rode, and Major Pond registered for the party. They immediately went to their rooms and were not visible to those who were curious to get a father sight of the noted man. The good natured major, however, entertained those who had met him on former occasions with some enjoyable stories of the trip, which has been one of unparalled success thus far. Tonight the people will have an opportunity to hear Mr. Twain, and it is assured that the attendance will be large. |