Quaker City
"I never was so glad to get
home again before." Mark
Twain, Innocents Abroad

courtesy of Mark Twain Overseas
"When my jolly old
captain came in, we squared accounts & then went down to look at
the ship (steamer Quaker
City.) She is a right
stately-looking vessel." letter
to Jane Lampton Clemens and Family,
4.15.1867, New York, NY,
as quoted in Mark Twain's Letters,
Vol. 2
"The worst of
it is, that a ship is a bad writing desk & I can't write on shore
because I have too much to see there.
So I neglect my corresspondance half the time and botch it the balance."
letter to Frank Fuller, 8.7.1867, Naples,
Italy, as quoted in Mark
Twain's Letters, Vol. 2

to Angel's Camp | On to
New York