Virginia City, NV
of inspiration)
"Four or five years
ago a rightous Vigilance Committee in your city hanged a casual
acquantance of mine named Slade...Now I am writing a book...& as
the Overland journey has made six chapters of it thus far &
promises to make six or eight more, I thought I would just rescue my
late friend Slade from oblivion & set a sympathetic public to
weeping for him...& the object of this letter is to beg of you to
ask of someone connected with your city papers to send me a Virginia
City newspaper of that day." letter
to the Postmaster of Virginia City,
9.15.1870, Buffalo, NY, as quoted in Mark Twain's Letters,
Vol. 4
San Francisco, CA
of inspiration)
"One Sunday
afternoon I saw some hoodlums chasing and stoning a Chinaman...and I
noticed that a policeman was observing this performance with an amused
interest--nothing more. He did not interfere. I wrote up the incident
with considerable warmth and holy indignation." Autobiography,
Camp, CA
of inspiration)
in habit telling same old experiences over & over again in these
little back settlements. Like Dan's old Ram, which he always drivels
about when drunk."
journal entry from January 1865, as quoted in Mark Twain's Notebooks and Journals, Vol. 1
[Gillis] stood before the
fire and reeled it [a story]
off with the
faculty, inventing its details as he went along and claiming as usual
that it was all straight fact, unassailable fact, history pure and
undefiled. I used another of Jim's inventions in one of my books, the
story of Jim Baker's cat, the remarkable Tom Quartz." Autobiography,
Buffalo, NY
of actual writing)
am driveling along tolerably fair on the book--getting off from 12 to
20 pages a day. I am writing so carefully that I'll never have to alter
a sentance, I guess, but it is very slow work. I like it well, as far
as I have got. The people will read it." letter
to Elisha Bliss, 10.13.1870, Buffalo, NY, as quoted in Mark Twain's Notebooks and Journals, Vol. 1 |

"Quarry Farm", Elmira, NY
of actual writing)
am going to shut myself up in a farm-house alone, on top an Elmira
hill, & write--on my book. I will see no company, & worry about
nothing...When I get to Elmira I will look over the next chapters &
send something--or, failing that, will write somthing--my own obituary
I hope it will be." letter to Elisha
Bliss, Jr., 3.17.1871,
Buffalo, NY, as quoted in Mark
Twain's Letters, Vol. 4