Around the World: Letter No.
Pacific Coast -- Concluded
One of California's curiosities the people in the States
will some day become familiar with through the Pacific
Railroad. I mean the Chinamen. California contains 70,000
of them, and every ship brings more. There is a Chinese
quarter in every city and village in California and Nevada,
for Boards of Aldermen will not allow them to live all
around town just wherever they choose to locate. This is
not a hardship, for they prefer to herd together.
Peculiarities and Superstitions
They are a people who fondly stick to their ancient
customs. They dress in the quaint costumes their ancestors
wore 500 years ago. They build temples, gaudy with gilding
and hideous with staring idols, and there they worship
after the fashion of their fathers. A strict record is kept
by their chiefs of the name and residence of every
Chinaman, and when he dies his body is sent back to China
for burial -- for they can never get to their Heaven unless
they start from China. And besides, Chinamen worship their
ancestors, and they all want their share of worship after
they are done with this world. Even when the Chinese
government sells a shipload of degraded and criminal
coolies to a Cuban or Sandwich Island planter, it is
strictly stipulated that the body of every one of them must
be sent back to China after death.
The Chinamen being smart, shrewd people, take to some few
of our commercial customs and virtues, but somehow we can't
make great headway in the matter of civilizing them. We can
teach them to gamble a little, but somehow we can't make
them get drunk. It is discouraging -- because you can't
regenerate a being that won't get drunk.
The Chinaman is the most frugal, industrious and thrifty of
all creatures. No matter how slender are the wages you pay
him he will manage to lay up money. And Chinamen are the
most gifted gardeners in the world. Give one of them a
sandbank that would not support a lizard, and he will make
it yield generous crops of vegetables. The Chinaman wastes
nothing. Every thing has a value in his eyes. He
gathers up all the cast-away rags and bones and bits of
glass, and makes marketable articles of them. And he picks
up all the old fruit cans you throw away and melts them up
to get the tin and solder. When a white man discards a gold
placer as no longer worth anything, the patient Chinaman,
always satisfied with small profits, and never in a hurry
to get rich, takes possession and works it contentedly for
The Chinaman makes a good cook, a good washerwoman, a good
chambermaid, a good gardener, a good banker's clerk, a good
miner, a good railroad laborer, a good anything you
choose to put him at -- for these people are all educated,
they are all good accountants, they are very quiet and
peaceable, they never disturb themselves about politics;
they are so tractable, quick, smart, and naturally handy
and ingenious, that you can teach them anything; they have
no jealousies; they never lose a moment, never require
watching to keep them at work; they are gifted with a world
of patience, endurance and contentment. They are the best
laboring class America has ever seen -- and they do not
care a cent who is President. They are miserably abused by
the laws of California, but that sort of thing will cease,
some day. It was found just about impossible to build the
California end of the Pacific Railroad with white men at $3
per day and take care of all the broils and fights and
strikes; but they put on Chinamen at a dollar a day and
"find" themselves, and they built it without fights
or strikes or anything, and saved the bulk of their wages,
too. You will have these long-tailed toilers among you in
"the States" some day, but you will find them right easy to
get along with -- and you will like them, too, because they
will stand a heap of abuse. You will find them ever so
convenient, because when you get mad you can snatch a club
and go out and take satisfaction out of a Chinaman. The
native American Negro is getting so insolent, now, that the
patriot from Ireland cannot take a little recreation out of
him without getting into trouble. So the Chinaman will
afford a needed relief.
Modest Villainy
As evidence that Chinamen are satisfied with small gains, I
will remark that they drill five holes into the edge of
gold coins -- drill clear through from edge to edge -- and
save the gold thus bored out and fill up the hole with some
sort of metallic composition that does not spoil the ring
of the coin. Their counterfeiters put nine parts good metal
and only one part base metal in their bogus coins -- and so
it is very lucrative in the long run and the next thing to
impossible to detect the cheat. It is only greedy bungling
Christian counterfeiters that blunder into trouble,
by trying to swindle their fellow creatures too
Another curious feature about California life was the breed
of desperadoes she reared and fostered on her soil and
afterward distributed over adjacent Territories through her
Vigilance Committees when she had had enough of their
exploits. These men went armed to the teeth with monstrous
revolvers, and preyed upon each other. Their slightest
misunderstandings were settled on the spot by the bullet;
but they very rarely molested peaceable citizens. They
robbed and gambled and killed people for three or four
years, and then "died with their boots on," as they phrased
it; that is, they were killed themselves -- almost
invariably -- and they never expected any other fate, and
were very seldom disappointed.
Sam Brown
Sam Brown, of Nevada, killed sixteen men in his time, and
was journeying toward Esmeralda to kill a seventeenth, who
had stopped the breath of a friend of his, when a party of
law-abiding citizens waylaid him and slaughtered him with
shot guns. Mourners were exceeding scarce at his funeral.
It is said that Sam Brown called for a drink at the bar of
the Slaughter House in Carson City one morning (a saloon so
nicknamed because so many men had been killed in it) and
invited a stranger up to drink with him. The stranger said
he never drank and wished to be excused. By the custom of
the country, that was a deadly insult, and so Brown very
properly shot him down. He left him lying there and went
away, warning everybody to let the body alone, because it
was his meat, he said. And it is said, also, that he
came back after awhile and made a coffin and buried the man
himself -- though I never could quite believe that without
Virginia City was full of desperadoes, and some of the
pleasantest newspaper reporting I ever did was in those
days, because I reported the inquests on the entire lot of
them, nearly. We had a fresh one pretty much every morning.
Toward the last it was melancholy to see how the material
was running short. Those were halcyon days! I don't know
what halcyon days are, but that is the proper expression to
use in this connection, I believe.
Jack Williams
Jack Williams was one of the luckiest of the Virginia City
desperadoes. He killed a good many men. He was a
kind-hearted man, and gave all his custom to a poor
undertaker who was trying to get along. But by and bye some
body poked a double barrelled shot gun through a crack
while Williams was sitting at breakfast, and riddled him at
such a rate that there was hardly enough of him left to
hold an inquest on -- and then the poor unfortunate
undertaker's best friend was gone, and he had to take in
his sign. Thus he was stricken in the midst of his
prosperity and his happiness -- for he was just on the
point of getting married when Jack Williams was taken away
from him, and of course he had to give it up then.
Cemeterial Curiosities
It is said that the first twenty-six graves in the cemetery
at Virginia City were those of men who all died by the
bullet. And the first six in another of those towns
contained the bodies of a desperado and five of his victims
-- and there in the bosom of his family, made dear to him
by ties of blood, he calmly sleeps unto this day.
Mr. Slade
At the Rocky Ridge station in the Rocky Mountains, in the
old days of overland stages and pony expresses, I had the
gorgeous honor of breakfasting with Mr. Slade, the Prince
of all the desperadoes; who killed twenty-six men in his
time; who used to cut off his victims' ears and send them
as keepsakes to their relatives; and who bound one of his
victims hand and foot and practiced on him with his
revolver for hours together -- a proceeding which seems
almost inexcusable until we reflect that Rocky Ridge is
away off in the dull solitudes of the mountains, and the
poor desperadoes have hardly any amusements. Mr. Slade
afterward went to Montana and began to thin out the
population as usual -- for he took a great interest in
trimming the census and regulating the vote -- but finally
the Vigilance Committee captured him and hanged him, giving
him just fifteen minutes to prepare himself in. The papers
said he cried on the scaffold.
The Vigilance Committee is a wholesome regulator in the new
countries, and bad characters have a lively dread of it. In
Montana one of these gentlemen was placed on his mule and
informed that he had precisely fifteen minutes to leave the
country in. He said, "Gents, if this mule don't balk,
five'll answer."
But that is sufficient about the desperadoes. I merely
wished to make passing mention of them as a Californian
production. -- Mark Twain