The Erie (Pennsylvania) Gazette

1871: December 14
[This review has been transcribed from a microfilm image that cut off the left edge of the column. Some of the missing or incomplete words could be reconstructed from the context, and are supplied here in brackets. "[...]" means the words could not be safely conjectured.]

"MARK TWAIN" ON "ARTEMUS WARD."-- [Nobod]y turns out so vast an audience as [that whic]h greeted the celebrated humorist [Mark Twai]n, at Farrar Hall on Saturday [nigh]t. We hardly think the Prince of [...]d lecturers, Wendell Phillips, could [...]arge an audience. However this [...] was certain that Mark Twain cannot [...] expectations and satisfy them as [...] Agitator can. His introduction of [himself w]as very good, and put his audience [...] [h]umor, but the length of his pauses [...] [nar]rating any incident, or when await[ing the] applause or laughter of his hearers [...] a sense of weariness on many even [...] ready to appreciate anything and [everythin]g which came from the author of ["The Inno]cents Abroad." The sayings of [Artemus] Ward which he repeated were [...] [rel]ished by those who had never seen [...] [t]he great showman himself; but he [...] [fe]w of them, considering the time [that the] lecture occupied, there was a pretty [...] [fe]eling of mild disappointment. But [other tha]n this it was a really enjoyable [...] we congratulate the Young Men's [Christian] Association on the well merited [...] which has so far attended their ef[forts to] supply our citizens with healthy [...]nt and instruction.
