Mr. S. T. Clemens, otherwise more commonly known as Mark Twain, delivered his lecture on "Artemus Ward, Humorist," last Tuesday evening, before the lecture association. One of the largest audiences of the season had assembled, drawn together partly out of curiosity, considerably on account of the notoreity of "Innocents Abroad," and largely for the purpose of having a good laugh. All appeared satisfied when the lecture closed. A critical review of the lecture would be as absurd as to adopt "Innocents Abroad" as a textbook for classes in history. There are but few men that could present and illustrate properly the subject of that lecture. And Twain is "one of the few the immortal" ones who can do it in an eminently successful manner. The lecture was for the most part narrative and illustrative in character, but the occasional scintillations from the lecturer himself showed that his reputation has not been gained without true merit. He drew finely and accurately the character of Artemus Ward, and described his death in a vivid and effective manner. There were but few of the audience who did not enter into a nearer sympathy with the great humorist through the sketch of his life which the lecturer produced. One of the strikingly amusing features was the fact that the lecturer introduced himself in a novel and entertaining manner. The applause throughout showed the appreciation which the lecture deserved, but the manifest boorishness of certain members of the professional departments and others, previous to the opening of the lecture, was a fact to be regretted and severely reproved. |