Leaving Aspen, we soon arrive at the site of the Of early railroad days, but now entirely deserted. It is situated in a little valley at the mouth of a ravine, where the old overland stage road comes down from the north of Quaking Asp Mountain. At one time this place was quite populous, and was supposed likely to become a permanent town. At this point, the roughs and gamblers who had been driven from point to point westward, made a stand, congregating in large numbers. They swore that they would be driven no farther; that here they would stay, and fight it out to the bitter end. The town was about two miles to the eastward of the river, and when the roughs felt that trouble was coming on them, they withdrew to the hills and organized for a raid on the town. Meanwhile, some of the roughs remained in the town, and among them were three noted garroters, who had added to the long list of their crimes that of murder. The citizens arose, seized and hung them. In this act they were sustained by the law-abiding people, also by the Index, a paper which had followed the road, but was then published here. This hastened the conflict, and on the 19th of November, '68, the roughs attacked the town in force. This attack was repulsed by the citizens, though not until the Cost sixteen lives, including that of one citizen. The mob first attacked and burned the jail, taking thence one of their kind who was confined there. They next sacked the office, and destroyed the material of the Frontier Index. Elated with their success, the mob, numbering about 300 well-armed desperadoes, marched up the main street and made an attack on a store, belonging to one of the leading merchants. Here they were met with a volley from Henry rifles, in the hands of brave and determined citizens, about thirty in number. The first volley and the running fight left fifteen of the desperadoes dead on the street. The number of wounded was never ascertained, but several bodies were afterward found in the gulches and among the rocks, where they had crawled away and died. One citizen was slain in the attack on the jail. From this time forward the roughs gave Bear River City a wide berth. EARLY TIMES--At one time Cheyenne had her share of the "roughs" and gambling hells, dance-houses, wild orgies; murders by night and day were rather the rule instead of the exception. This lasted until the business men and quiet citizens tired of such doings, and suddenly an impromptu vigilance committee appeared on the scene, and several of the most desperate characters were found swinging from the end of a rope, from some convenient elevation. Others taking the hint, which indicated they would take a rope unless they mended their ways, quietly left the city. At the present time, Cheyenne is an orderly and well-governed town. |