[During the 1860s and 70s, J. M. Hutchings played host
to visitors at Yosemite as the proprietor of "The Old Cabin."
He was also a tireless promoter of the natural attractions of
the Sierras. This 500-page volume was the culmination of his
efforts to draw visitors to the valley.
In his Preface, Hutchings calls "Geo." Fiske "the resident
photographic artist of Yo Semite," and adds: "It will readily
be seen that in addition to the many finely executed wood
engravings that were expressly prepared for this book, I have
pressed into service the new and beautiful process of
photo-lithography for its more complete embellishment."
Available here are 10 of the book's 24 full-page photos, all
but one by Fiske. The other, "Half Dome from Glacier Point,"
is by S. C. Walker.]