Daily Gazette and Bullentin,
Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, September 4, 1895


It was thought that Davy Crockett was a second nature to Frank Mayo, but in his interpretation of Mark Twain's latest work, "Pudd'nhead Wilson," he brings a new play before the American public that is likely to rival such old favorites as "Old Homestead," "Shore Acres" and others of a like substantial reputation for long runs. Mr. Mayo's reputation is too well established in the community to need much comment, suffice to say he added new laurels and popularity by the manner in which he handled the title role at the opening house last evening. Miss Eleanor Moretti as "Roxey" [sic] displayed a talent for her profession and soon had the audience with her in her excellent portrayal of the part. Her scene in the last act was particularly fine. Arthur Daly as "Chambers," Frank Campeau as "Tom Driscoll," and Newton Chisnell as "Sheriff Blake," all added to the [illegible] production by the masterly manner in which they portrayed their respective parts. The entire company is an excellent one, and not the least feature being the staging of the play. In "Pudd'nhead Wilson" Mr. Mayo has a play that gives promise of outliving the popularity of "Davy Crockett."

New York Dramatic Mirror,
September 14, 1895

WILLIAMSPORT. – LYCOMING OPERA HOUSE: (Wagner and Reis, managers); Frank Mayo in Puddin'head Wilson to a fair-sized and highly-pleased audience 3.