The San Francisco Call,
San Francisco, California
Tuesday, July 20, 1897

"Pudd'nhead Wilson" Revived at the Columbia Theater.

"Pudd'nhead Wilson," Mark Twain's interesting story, so closely identified with the last days of poor Frank Mayo, was the bill at the Columbia last evening, Theodore Hamilton essaying the late star's famous role with unusual success.

If one had never had the good fortune to see Mayo, or if his tender pathos and delicate humor had not the knack of training itself on the folds of a tenacious memory, Hamilton would appear to be an ideal Pudd'nhead. As it was, the splendid imitation gave pleasure and caused regret--a regret for him who dramatized the story and lent all the charms of a magnetic and artistic temperament to the creation of the principle role.

Contrary to expectation, Pudd'nhead was not the star part of the play. Eleanor Morette, by her magnificent acting of her original role of Roxy, raised her part to one of stellar interest and rightly carried off the honors of the evening.

The balance of the cast was evenly balanced. Gladys Wallis was picturesque in her quaint gowns of more than a quarter of a century ago and looked like a dainty old-fashioned painting. Thomas W. Ross was an earnest Chambers, and William Lewers and George Bowers, in make-up and acting, were most effective as the twins.

"Pudd'nhead" is the bill for the entire week, and judging by the applause of the very large and enthusiastic audience of last evening, crowded houses are sure to be the rule.