By clicking on the image
at left, you can go to the site's search engine. If you're not
already familiar with the conventions for using it, you should
begin by writing "Connecticut Yankee" into the window that lets
you specificy a MT text to search. You can then search the
novel for any word or phrase you'd like. Try several different
ones -- "catholic," for example, and "church." The search program is not case sensitive -- i.e. "church" and "Church" return the same results -- but it
is very literal: it will find every instance of the exact
combination of letters you ask for, but not approximations of the
word. So, for example, if you type in "catholic," it will also
find "catholicism" (because that combination of letters is in
"catholicism") but not vice versa. If you type "the church," it
will not find "the established church" or "a church," though
"church" will find all those variants.